Friday Farm Day

Alright Alright Alright, it's that time of the week again. Time to have a gander at what the garden is up to.

And Away We Go...

Starting in the front yard, guess who has bananas? Oh yes, one of my banana plants in the front has flowered and is starting to bear fruit!

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The Star Jasmine is Flowering and smelling glorious!

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Here's another volunteer sunflower popping up

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The rose is still blooming

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Moving to the backyard, have you ever seen an onion bloom?

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Speaking of blooming, I allowed this brassica that I'm still not sure what it is to go to seed as well. Since so many people spray for "weeds", this leaves the bird population often starving. When I can, I like to allow things to go to seed to feed the wild bird population. It's the least I can do considering all these murder mittens (cats) I have running around.

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Next, you'll see the carrots are doing well. I've thinned them once. I will probably have to do so again.

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The sunflowers I planted in the back to be replanted in the front yard are just about ready to be moved.

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The Aje Dulce (A type of Caribbean Sweet Pepper) is starting to pop up. I planted three, one will get thinned so there will be two.

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And, finally, the dune sunflower is still looking beautiful as ever.

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Thank you for joining me on this tour of our gardens!

Happy Friday Farm Day!


  1. Banana bread, banana cream pie, banana split, chocolate-covered bananas . . . so many recipes and plenty of bananas 😂

    The sunflower and rose are beautiful. 😊

    The sparrows are back already. Kinda early, methinks. They made a nest on my porch light and come back every year. I saw poop on my porch, look up, and there they were, just hanging out.

    1. And, still half of them will end up in my freezer because there's no way I'm going to be able to eat all of these. LOL


      It is almost April, maybe they wanted to make sure no one moved into their spot! ;)

    2. "Come Mister(Ms.) tallyman, tally me banana" Your Banana plant is doing so well along with all the others.Beautiful..

    3. LOL. I'm hoping one of them in the back bloom as well. Fingers crossed.


    4. I miss being able to grow my own bananas

    5. It is one of the best features of Florida

  2. I don't know why, but I'm having déjà vu with this post!

    1. Bwahahaha...

      I have no idea why that could be.🤣😝😂

  3. You're not going to be deficient in potassium! I love the smell of jasmine. I had a plant that I managed to overwinter indoors for a couple of winters, it was always wonderful when it bloomed.

    1. No I’m not 😂

      They are intoxicating aren’t they


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