
Showing posts with the label Conru v Buckheit

Notes from Motion to Dismiss Hearing

 I attended the Motion to Dismiss hearing through Zoom.  These are my notes, as recording the hearing in any other manner is against the law.  They’re not perfect, I was writing on my phone.  Started by watching a case with Google.  I like the judge. She seems personable and fair from what I’m hearing.  All lawyers from Google and the other party are nodding along as she rules and asks for argument.  The case is boring and I’m not paying close attention. However, I did hear this:  Judge Freeman: “You’ve hit a brick wall in every other court you’ve been in. Why do you think it will be different with me?” 😂😂😜 She’s funny.  It’s time for what I’m here for Buckheit’s lawyer struggled with Zoom. 😂 He has a backdrop of a bridge.  Conru’s lawyer is appearing with his office as his background.  Buckheit’s lawyer called it a High-Risk company.  “Tardy tender of $1000”    Judge Freeman 😂 She is literally saying she doesn’t read the case the same as Russo, who is Buckheit's lawyer. “You

Ongoing Saga of the Lawsuit

 Alright, with PACER, I have to pay per page. I am not willing to pay for "Notices of Appearances" which is a lawyer saying they're going to be the ones trying the case; nor "Certificates of Service" which just says that people were served. Basically, anything I deem trivial minutiae is not something I'm willing to pay for. If you wish to sign up for your own account there and pay for all of that, just google Pacer and it'll come up.  That said, as I figured there would be, there's been more filings in the case. I'm compiling them here for you to read.  Complaint  This is the orignal suit filed by Andrew. Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's Response to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss Defendant's Reply in Support of Brief to Dismiss Andrew (Founder of AFF) is Plaintiff and John (Current CEO) is the Defendant. The hearing on whether or not the court will dismiss is scheduled via Zoom on March 7 at 11am PT. I'll check PACER on the 8th for th

Lawsuit over AFF

 For those who are unaware, Andrew (founder and coder of New Community) is in a fight with the current CEO (Cheif Weasel) to wrestle back control of the site. Here's a link to that lawsuit: For an informative summary, please read the article I wrote for Online Personals Watch