
Showing posts with the label FridayFarmDay

Farm Day Delayed

 usual, I garden in Zone 9B, Central Florida on about a tenth of an acre. (The lot is .51 acres). I garden organically, year round. The Plumbago is in full bloom! Sunflower is blooming again as well. Mulberries are putting on more flowers everyday. Carrots are getting close. Cucumber is getting big with no female cukes yet. It's the female flower that holds the cucumber. The male just contributes the pollen. ;) We ate the pineapple and I planted the crown! I forgot to take a pic of it, sorry all! There are a few Purple Cherokee Tomatoes, it's difficult to get them all in one pic. Ají dulce pepper (Caribbean sweet pepper) I haven't tried these yet, but I suspect I'll love them. Widdle baby key lime. There's more, this is just the newest addition! The passion fruit is truly out of control. I hope you enjoyed this little tour of my garden Happy Farm Day!

Belated Friday Farm Day

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening All! Let’s start with a little Debbi-Nick story. Yesterday, while driving Nick says to me:  “The backyard looks great. You’re almost there.”  Quizzically, I looked at him. “What do you mean almost there?” Nick: I want to be able to walk around the backyard naked without upsetting the neighbors. The back fence is still see though.  Me: Are you asking me to plant more? Nick: If you could figure out a way to fill in the gaps, that would be great.  Me: Why didn’t you say something sooner? *Spends the next 3 hours planning what to plant along the fence line* It will probably have to wait till later August due to it being “Fuck it’s so hot, I’m gonna die” season. But I will take you through the process.  For all those wondering, steroid shot went okay, I spent yesterday dealing with muscle spasms, and today I’m fine.  Now for why we are gathered here today for a little walk through my gardens to see what nature with a little help from me has brought forth!  Let

Friday Farm Day

 Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening All! We are gathered here today for a little walk through my gardens to see what nature with a little help from me has brought forth! Let’s do this! Starting in the front yard, the sunflowers continue to die off but we still have blooms. The Crinum lilies are blooming again. The pentas don’t wish to be undone Moving to the backyard. I got the loofah against something it could climb. The dragon fruit is making its way up the fence. And, it’s raining passion fruit. At this point when I see kids walking along the canal, I run outside and tell them everything they can grab is theirs. It’s just gonna get worse. I planted too much passion fruit but I can’t bear to kill off any plants. I have one Cherokee purple Tomato coming in Look @bowandarrowman, it’s a cucumber plant. Are you happy now? 😂 Watermelon is starting to flower And finally, there’s an okra I forgot I planted

Friday Farm Day

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening All! I know we missed last week because I’m a klutz and it was raining, but here we are!  Let’s do this! Starting in the front yard, the sunflowers are starting to die off, but there are some blooms left.  The mulberries had slowed so I thought they were done for the season. I was wrong, they’re blooming again!  Now, for the bananas. I’m posting pics of only two out of the three due. Something happened to kill off a huge portion of one bunch. I suspect cats climbing.  Moving to the backyard, one more sunflower for your viewing pleasure.  All these will be blackberries soon.  The carrots are filling in nicely  The Tuscan Kale is getting huge!  The pepper is giving them to me And finally, the luffa is about ready to be trellised.  Thank you for joining me on this tour of our gardens! Happy Friday Farm Day!

Belated Friday Farm Day

Due to some unforeseen circumstances, the tour of the garden needed to be postponed. Besides, it was raining yesterday morning, I sure wasn't going to go out to take pics! Good Morning Afternoon/Evening All! We are gathered here today to take a walk through our gardens and see what nature with a little help from me has brought forth. As a reminder I grow, organically, in Zone 9b Central Florida. I learned everything I know from Youtube and blogs. Starting in the front yard, the pentas are looking lovely as ever The plumbago is still blooming! Let's move into the backyard, where I'm going to give you a series of sunflower photos. :) As you can see, my Heartbreaker cherry tomatoes are flushing out nicely! The blackberries are still coming in...I gave that one to Nick after I took the pic As well as blooming... I picked ALL the ripe blueberries and ate them after I took this pic My Clitoria is