
Showing posts with the label tutorial

Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - How to Edit Your Blog Posts and Labels with UPDATED PDF FILE from JN

 Hi all We are starting with the first page when you get on Blogger. You click on whatever post you want to edit, like where I circled the "Untitled" post in the screenshot. This will take you to where you can edit your blog post, like you're seeing me do here to the "Untitled" post in the previous screenshot. Make whatever changes you want and click Publish. It will go live right away. I do want to use this post to talk about "Labels", which function as tags. It's how you tell search engines (if you want your blog searchable, see " Settings " tutorial) what your post is about. Since I want other bloggers to find us, I have a list of labels I use.  AFF, AdultFriendFinder, Adult Friend Finder, Lady Cat Lady, LadyCatLady, EnigmaInitiative, Enigma Initiative, etc. You get my point.  I suggest you use your screen names and blog names rather than mine. 😉 Always make sure you hit publish after you've edited something. And, you can edit it

Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - How to put Pictures and Videos in Your Blog

 Alright, we're starting at the point where you're ready to write your post and want to insert a video or image into the post.  It's real simple.  Look at that bar above where you're typing away, do you see the buttons?  By clicking on the image button, a menu comes up.  Mine is linked to my Google Drive, so if your menu doesn't look like mine, that's why. Upload whatever you want. In this next screenshot is how you upload a video. This next screenshot will help you change the size of the picture or video you want to appear. Just Click the Gear circled. This screen will pop up, and the default setting seems to be Medium. I changed all mine to Extra Large, you do you. :) Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Add other AFFers Blogs to your Profile Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Reading List Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Add Followers Gadget Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Settings Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - How to Title Your Blog Posts Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial – How to Edit Your B

Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - How to Title Your Blog Posts

 I noticed our spunky didn't title his newest blog post. You can find him here:  Spunkycumfun .  So here's my tutorial on how to title a blog post. When you click on the plus sign that says "New Post", this is the screen that comes up.  Where I circled is where you put the title of your post. The X is where you put the body of your post.  Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Add other AFFers Blogs to your Profile Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Reading List Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Add Followers Gadget Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Settings Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - How to put Pictures and Videos in Your Blog Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial – How to Edit Your Blog Posts and Labels

Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Settings

 Most of the Settings are self-explanatory. There are a couple things I do want to point out. At the top part of "Settings" is where you can change the title and description of your blog if you like. Just click on what you want to change.  The next thing I want to point out is deciding whether or not you're going to show a warning if it's adult content. Mine is off, you do you. :D Finally, you will notice I scratched off my "Google Analytics Measurement ID. I am a nerd who likes that shit, I suspect most of you won't care.  Further down is another thing I want to point out, "Meta tags" I've allowed the search, as I want people to find me. You can see the terms I used. You do you. :) At the bottom of settings is where you can edit your profile if you like. Just click the link. Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Add Followers Gadget Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Reading List Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Add other AFFers Blogs to your Profile Blogger/Blogspo

Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Add other AFFers Blogs to your Profile

 We're starting on the same page, and scrolling to Layout, and clicking on it which will bring you to this page: Again, we're going to click on that "Add a Gadget Button" This screen will pop up Scroll down that list until you find "Link List" and click that This is the page that opens up You have to add each blogger you want added to your profile individually. Keep the number of items to show in the list empty I sorted mine alphabetically, you do you boo. ;) Here's the list of bloggers with the names of their blogs and the links: Sassy's World  Reeding her Writing  Musings of a Service Submissive  Lonlyforlove2  JN's Jottings  BowAndArrowMan  Battle Of The Banned Author51  Enigma Uncensored http://enigmainiti

Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Reading List

 As I said at the end of my last tutorial, this site does not send out emails or alerts when someone you follow puts up a new post. Apparently, they used to but used to doesn't help us.  The way I have circumvented that is to populate my "Reading List" with all your blogs. I will walk you through how to do the same. Starting on the same starting page, you are going to scroll down the left side until you get to "Reading List" that I have circled. When you click "Reading List" it will take you to a page that looks like this but may be empty if you haven't started yours. Click on "Manage" circled on the pic This page will come up, then click "Add" circled on the pic. This box will pop up Here is the list of blogs that I have so far. If I have missed you, don't hesitate to contact me. Lonly Hippie JN SubwithBrains htt

Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Add Followers Gadget

 Hi All, I may not be the most tech-savvy, but I have figured out how to do things on this site. And, I have the time to put together a little presentation to help everyone.  This is probably going to be a series. I'm going to start with the basics, what will get your blog up and running, and how to make sure people can follow you. When you sign into Blogger, your beginning page looks like this (Yours will have different posts, but the left side of the screen will look like this.  On that left side, click on "Layout" This is where you are going to add the gadget so people can follow you easily.  Don't worry, I'll teach you to add them to your reading list later in this post, so you can easily see when they put up new blog posts because this site doesn't send out alerts or emails to your followers, they're just going to have to check or keep up with their reading list. Please know JN and I both have lists of all the AFFers on our blogs, so you can find them