I care

Never in my life did I believe things would get to this point, but here we are. 

While I wholeheartedly miss the comradery and friendships built on the blogs, I do not miss AFF. I miss the blogging with everyone, for sure. I do not miss the inconsistent moderation, gaslighting by SiteSupport, and toxic culture currently being created by the site's actions. 

Criticism is good when given constructively. We all gave constructive criticism for months and were ignored. Then, they banned us, when not one of us broke the Terms of Service. Yet, there are countless criticisms of the site still left up. They banned us because we have large followings, and they wanted to shut us up rather than fix what was wrong.

I say no, I won't take this anymore. I'm done being muzzled. There are HUGE problems with AFF, and no one there seems to want to improve user experience. They just seemingly want to monetize more, take away gold privileges and charge extra for them, fix less, and rely on new suckers who are "looking to get laid tonight" to make money.

There's no way that's a sustainable business model. No fucking possible way. 

Additionally, I also find I'm feeling disrespected. Disrespected by the people in charge of a website I championed for years. Jesus, I used to write constantly about how great the website was. I referred people to it for fuck's sake. 

Then, it wasn't.

And, I stopped telling people it was a good place to go. Slowly, my blogs became more critical, and soon I was muzzled. Then, banned.

Yes, I care about the website, I care enough to want it fixed for everyone.


  1. To business model: It, like most everything else they actively do, e.g. Customer Disservice, suffers from a severe case of cranial-rectal inversion.

  2. Unfortunately since bloggers make up such a small percentage of the total users, (and there is almost no way to measure any impact they have on the bottom line) the site will continue to stich patch-work band-aides and look for cost-saving solutions to stay afloat — rather than seek ways to rise above. Only veteran members recall what it once was: the average once-a-day desperado... has no clue, nor cares.

    1. You and I disagree on this. I do think we have an impact. So, I'll leave it there.

  3. The site has been going to Hell in a Handbasket as we all know here. It is sad indeed that those of us who do care and have for decades trying to help improve it, are being banned..Standing up for what is right and good, even while being banished has never felt so good..

    1. It really hasn't, has it Joy? I definitely feel good about my decisions.

    2. Amen to that Deb. Same here..

  4. It was so fun .... back in the day ... Sighssss

    1. Heidi can you do me a favour next time you go onto pacnwlover42's blog and tell him I miss him dearly? I wanted to get his email address but did not before I was banned..Thanks Heidi,,


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