Notes from Motion to Dismiss Hearing

 I attended the Motion to Dismiss hearing through Zoom. 

These are my notes, as recording the hearing in any other manner is against the law. 

They’re not perfect, I was writing on my phone. 

Started by watching a case with Google. 

I like the judge. She seems personable and fair from what I’m hearing. 

All lawyers from Google and the other party are nodding along as she rules and asks for argument. 

The case is boring and I’m not paying close attention. However, I did hear this: 

Judge Freeman: “You’ve hit a brick wall in every other court you’ve been in. Why do you think it will be different with me?”


She’s funny. 

It’s time for what I’m here for

Buckheit’s lawyer struggled with Zoom. 😂

He has a backdrop of a bridge. 

Conru’s lawyer is appearing with his office as his background. 

Buckheit’s lawyer called it a High-Risk company. 

“Tardy tender of $1000”  Judge Freeman


She is literally saying she doesn’t read the case the same as Russo, who is Buckheit's lawyer.

“You want me to say they’re a day late and a dollar short, and it’s not what this is.” Judge Freeman to Russo. 

Russo muted himself and then forgot to unmute when he tried to talk. 😂

Judge Freeman said:

“I think what you’re going to find when I issue my order is that I’m going to deny this motion to dismiss”

Now for the case conference:

Requiring ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) within 180 days. 

I can’t take notes fast enough to tell you all the dates given. 

I will get the order tomorrow when it’s up that will give the dates. 

Both attorneys announced they will be filing cross-motions of summary judgment.  This means each is going to ask the judge to issue judgment on at least one claim. 

They’re going to be in the courtroom for those.

No more Zoom court, except for Administrative issues.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for the update. I miss you guys. I hope Spunky's household has had some resolution.

      I wrote a post regarding the latest events, and related the censorship to Orwell's "1984," and to Oingo Boingo's "No Spill Blood." It was denied and deleted from my account, no reason given.

      And so it goes.

    2. Thanks for the update. I miss you guys on there. And the censorship continues. They didn't like my post relating their management to Orwell's "1984," and to Oingo Boingo's "No Spill Blood."

      I hope Spunky's household dilemma has been resolved.

    3. @SubWithBrains Hey Lady, nice to see you! Sorry, I'm moderating my comments that's why you didn't see your original one and I suspect you wrote two. I have someone I'm trying to keep from being an ass to my readers, and this is the only way I can on here.

      Be careful, hon. I do'nt want you to lose your acct. That said, can you hit me up through the contact info on the hamburger menu at the top left of my page? I have a question to ask you and don't want to give out my email publicly.

      I miss you all too. I don't miss the moderation bullshit, but I do miss the people. Very much so.

      Spunky's household situation has calmed down. I'm in daily contact with him. He's handling it like the champ he is!

  2. Thanks for the update my friend. You are amazing Deb and even though we are banned I am happy to be here with you and Jaye and all others right now.. I am so glad the case will be moving forward..

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad the case is moving forward too.

  3. Struggling with Zoom . . . reminds me of a clip where a lawyer couldn't figure out how to turn off the filter and he was saying he's not a cat 😂

    1. I remember that because when it happened yesterday THATS exactly what I thought.

  4. Spunky notified me of the decision today. He has been keeping me informed also of what is happening for him daily which is good.
    Thank you for the recap of everything.

    1. I’m glad he’s keeping you in the loop. We are all doing what we think is best.

    2. He is like a big brother and good friend to me and I have requested for him to do check-ins with me.

    3. Totally get it Sassy, I love him like a brother too.


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