Today’s the Day

As many of you know,  I have a particular fondness for "shocking" people by changing my hair color. My hair has been white for far too long, and it's time for a change.

Tomorrow, I'm scheduled to see my Primary Care Physician, and I realized she went through a whole pregnancy and had a kid with me having white hair. That's not right. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ Not to mention, the pain doctor has never seen me with anything other than white hair, and that appointment is on the 19th.

So, it's time.

The color, though, is still up for grabs

I have all these to choose from! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

Anyone hoping for rainbow hair, don't get your hopes up, that's a lot of work!

What color(s) do you think it will be?


  1. I'd go for the leopard print look.
    I've just booked my appointment next week for my purple streaks.

    1. Leopard print would be easier than rainbow, but still a lot of work. πŸ˜‚

      I can’t wait to see these purple streaks

    2. I'm no longer getting email notifications for replies to my comments despite ticking 'Notify Me'. It seems Joy is having the same issue.

    3. It looks like a glitch. I've just mailed the Help Community.
      It's not clear, at least to me, how you report a glitch to the site.

    4. Maybe ask your new friends on the boards

    5. You mean my new diamond product expert friends in the Help Community?

    6. They're a bit slow today as they haven't got back to me yet.

    7. It's still early in the day here in the states.

    8. I've just realised if there's a glitch about no email notifications then I'm not going to get an email notification from the Help Community answering my query.
      I've now reported the glitch to the site. I've found out that glitches are reported to the site via 'Send Feedback'.

    9. Oy that’s a problem. Maybe check back in the morning?

      Gotcha thanks for the info

  2. Bright red and purple good. Blue and green not so much. Orange clownish, scary to some.

    1. I have a feeling you're going to like and dislike what I've chosen. 🀣

  3. I think you look spectacular with teal blue. I'm waiting for my winter purple to completely fade out before I do a new color (right now it's just barely discernibly pink). Do you like the Adore Me dyes? I usually use Punky Color and like it...but I'm thinking about a steely blue and they don't have anything like that.

    1. Teal is my favorite too.

      I do like Adore because they’re good, inexpensive, and have a huge variety of colors. If you can’t find a color in the store, I bet you will on Amazon.

  4. I missed this one and now know the colours you chose look awesome on you Deb..


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