Wegovy Journey Week One

 This first week, I kept a little diary and am sharing it with you all. I wrote each evening before bed. I don't see myself keeping this up past the first week. Mine is only one journey. Based on my reading, some people have different experiences with it. Each of us are individuals after all.

Day One: (Tuesday 4/9/24)

My appetite is close to nil. I'm "forcing" myself to eat and find myself coming up with high protein options. I drank a 10 oz smoothie made with celery, carrots, sugar snap peas, papaya, spinach, mulberry, blueberry, and non fat Greek yogurt for dinner and felt like I'd eaten an entire Thanksgiving dinner. I'm still feeling full, half an hour later. The real challenge, I can see, will be getting the nutrients I need, especially protein.

I have no noticeable side effects as far as I can tell.

I, a true lover of baked goods and ice cream which sit in my house right now, find myself not craving such things at all. They no longer "tempt". I know it's difficult to believe, but I just plain don't want them.

Day 2 (Wednesday 4/10/24)

Need to get better at portion control and listening to my stomach. Went from "Oh these mulberries taste so good" to "Oh my god I'm so full" in no time.

I've started taking Centrum Silver which is a multivitamin and multimineral supplement. I'm concerned I'm not going to be able to eat enough even eating several small meals a day. I get so full so fast. Then, I feel nauseous for about forty five minutes while my stomach is digesting.

It doesn't happen when I don't overeat, I am just struggling to find that point because I'm scared I'm not eating enough.

Day 3 (Thursday 4/11/24)

It's becoming easier to remember to eat less in one sitting. Made a lentil salad, it's pretty good and easy to pull out of the fridge for my "grazing".

Lentils, tomatoes, peppers, red onion, cucumber, baby spinach, sugar snap peas, garlic, salt, pepper, chives, garlic chives, thyme, lemon, olive oil. Topped with Black and White Sesame Seeds. Two servings about 1/3 c each.

A third of a Gala apple.

4 oz Chicken and sliced cucumber

8 oz Smoothie (Same as Tuesday)

Mulberries (about 1/2 c)

That's what I've eaten today, can you see why I'm worried I'm not going to be able to eat enough?

I'm going to have to buy some protein powder.

Day 4 (Friday 4/12/24)

I have a little more of an appetite today. It's not a great amount bigger, but recognizably so. I was finally able to get some whole grains in today. Still no interest in high fat/high calorie food.

I bought some vegan protein powder to add to my morning smoothies. I know I'm not getting enough protein or fiber. Hopefully, I can get in some more brown rice tomorrow. I still think about food a lot, but it's more about figuring out ways to get the most amount of fiber and protein.

Food variety used to be super important to me, it's not nearly as important. I'm eating almost the same things every day.

Day Five (Saturday 4/13/24)

New smoothie: Apple, blueberries, mulberries, papaya, non fat Greek yogurt, baby spinach, carrots, oatmeal, protein powder.

I make one huge smoothie and drink it over the next days until it's gone. What used to last me two days, now lasts me four.

Protein powder is chalky as shit, I don't know how people ingest this and enjoy it. 🤢

Lunch: Lentil salad topped with parmesan cheese and sesame seeds, about an eighth of a cup of brown rice, chicken

Day Six (Sunday 4/14/24)

Still have more of an appetite, but it's nowhere near what it was. I almost wish I had kept a diary of the week before starting this so you could see the difference. The lack of cravings for any kind of processed food is incredible.

Just so people know, this medication isn't that new. People have been taking it for diabetes since 2005. It works on GLP-1 hormone receptors in the brain and stomach.  It acts in the same way as GLP-1 (a natural hormone in the body) and, among other things, appears to regulate appetite by increasing a person's feelings of fullness, while reducing their food intake, hunger and cravings. 

Also, as a reminder,  not everyone has had as good of an experience.

Day 7 (Monday 4/15/24)

I used to be what one would call an "emotional eater". I can tell you with certainty that impulse is gone. I have no interest in finding comfort in food anymore.

I'm still unsure if I'm getting enough food to avoid my body going into starvation mode, but I suspect I'm hitting at least eight hundred to a thousand calories a day. I refuse to calorie count.

I get protein from eggs, non fat Greek yogurt, chicken breast, nuts, seeds, and lentils mainly.

Whole grains have been brown rice, popcorn, and Whole grain bread.

My main food group is vegetables and fruits.

I cook with Olive Oil and not a lot of it. Sometimes a bit of butter, but not enough to make a huge difference.

Other than the occasional condiment, that's the kind of stuff I eat daily. Just different versions of it.

I drink at least 70 oz of water a day.

I have more energy, as well as feeling as though my mind is clearer.

I get the hiccups a lot.

To those who are thinking this all sounds unbelievable, I get it. But it is true.

For those wondering, Nick has been super supportive and has even begun eating healthier himself.


  1. Thanks for sharing your journal with us.You are definitely eating a more balanced diet by the sounds of it, but yes getting enough proteins in our bodies is important. Fish is good as both fish and lean chicken are my main sources of protein, along with peanut butter and bananas. Have you spoken to your doctor about your protein concerns? How about say a dietician or nutritionist? When worse comes to worse, one can probably go onto say WebMd. or other sites that may offer different menu options including the right amount of proteins to keep you in optimal health.. Keep it up my friend..

    1. Thanks for the words of encouragement Joy. My diet is way more balanced than it used to be. Sadly, I'm allergic to fish and seafood, so those won't be included in my diet. But, I do eat a lot of peas which contain a good amount of protein.

      I won't be seeing my doctor until next month (Well, I see the back dr Friday, but that is different), but I'll be asking her for a referral (insurance requirement) to a nutritionist/dietician when I go.

      By biggest issue does seem to be eating enough, not so much that I'm eating the wrong things. I'm not sure that can easily be fixed given what the Wegovy is doing to my appetite.

    2. Fingers crossed your back appointment goes well and your concerns about not eating enough are answered at some time..

    3. I’m sure I’m fine and just over thinking it. But thanks Joy

  2. From where I'm standing, your diet appears very healthy. I'm hoping that you will have another meeting with your doctor to air your concern that you're not eating enough.
    I know you're not counting calories nor weighing yourself, but all the effects of taking Wegovy (bar for the short period nausea immediately after eating) sound encouraging.

    1. I see her next month and plan to ask for a dietician/nutritionist referral (insurance bs).

      So far, I'd say it's close to a miracle drug given my poor eating habits prior. Please note, I don't say miracle lightly, it is remarkable how much my eating habits and behaviors have changed.

  3. What you're describing sounds like what my sister is going through after she had bariatric surgery. She takes a lot of vitamins and has loads of nuts and cheese to graze on during the day. She gets the hiccups if she eats too much.

    I think it's great that you're approaching food from a nutritional standpoint and that even Nick is eating healthier.

    I mix yogurt in my protein shakes. Helps with the chalkiness. So does apple juice.

    My summer morning smoothies were made from tofu, frozen fruit mix, protein powder, yogurt, cinnamon, a bit of ginger, and some milk if the mix was too thick for the blender.

    1. I said to Nick that I could see how this could totally replace bariatric surgery for those who have results like mine.

      Thank you for the yogurt/protein tip. I hadn’t thought of tofu in smoothie but it’s an excellent idea. What firmness did you use?

  4. Debi,

    I hope that this works for you and that you reach your goal (being healthy).

    One of the things that Weight Watchers encourages is tracking. It is sort of like counting calories, but it helps you to see where you are daily and weekly. (She is on WW). Part of it is changing your habits. Nothing is off limits, it just has points. So you can plan for a treat.

    I would encourage you to continue the food diary, along with how you feel from day to day. And maybe you should ask someone to be an accountability partner.


    1. Bbuckwheat,

      While I appreciate that Weight Watchers works for millions of people, all it did for me was lead to disordered eating. All that tracking created obsession and took over my life for years.

      I want to be clear, I’m not saying Weight Watchers bad. I’m saying Weight Watchers bad for someone with my mental health issues.

      My doctor has encouraged me to listen to my body, eat when I’m hungry, and eat within the food groups, which I’ve done.

      My focus is on health and nutrition, not on numbers. It’s healthier mentally and physically for me that way.


    2. Ahh. I see. Please forgive my assumptions. Know that I am rooting for you.


    3. Nothing to forgive, you didn’t know.


  5. So glad to hear you're not having any undesirable side effects! It's kind of interesting that you still are needing to be a bit obsessed with food, just in a different way. I agree about protein powder - it needs to be mixed with a LOT to be palatable, which probably makes it challenging for you to consume enough to be helpful. I've been putting a couple of scoops in my overnight oatmeal batch (one batch is three days worth). I switched to a different brand, and had to reduce it to one scoop because the new stuff wasn't sitting well in my stomach (especially doing yoga an hour after having breakfast 😜).

    1. Thanks Smarty,

      I think that obsession comes from my disordered eating and issues with food throughout my life. It's better than I'm obsessed with finding nutritious things to eat.

      Maybe I should try a different brand, but I suspect it's just going to be one of those things where I'm going to have to eat that protein because I can't palate the chalkiness.

      Yeah I can't imagine doing yoga would help food sit in your stomach well.

    2. I understand that a lot, since the only way I've ever managed to eat healthily for any stretch of time is with obsessive tracking (e.g. MyFitnessPal app). Every time I think "Ok I've got a healthy routine established", and I stop tracking, things gradually start to slide.

    3. I was usually good at keeping my weight close to where I wanted (I don't like being what anyone would call thin. I got that way in my early thirties and I looked sickly) by walking. Depression has been the enemy of that throughout the years, but now it's the freaking back that's keeping me from doing anything. I see that Dr Friday, btw.

  6. Stick with it Debbie....so proud of you!!!!!


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