Friday Farm Day

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening All!

I know we missed last week because I’m a klutz and it was raining, but here we are! 

Let’s do this!

Starting in the front yard, the sunflowers are starting to die off, but there are some blooms left. 

The mulberries had slowed so I thought they were done for the season. I was wrong, they’re blooming again! 

Now, for the bananas. I’m posting pics of only two out of the three due.

Something happened to kill off a huge portion of one bunch. I suspect cats climbing. 

Moving to the backyard, one more sunflower for your viewing pleasure. 

All these will be blackberries soon. 

The carrots are filling in nicely 

The Tuscan Kale is getting huge! 

The pepper is giving them to me

And finally, the luffa is about ready to be trellised. 

Thank you for joining me on this tour of our gardens!

Happy Friday Farm Day!


  1. Beautiful journey of Nature's wonders my friend and hope you are healing nicely. I want your sunflowers and wish I had a garden of my own to plant them in..

    1. Thanks Joy. I am healing very well, thank you. Maybe one day in the future you'll have a place to grow them. ;)

  2. There are still no cucumbers in your garden! :)

    1. There was an “incident “ that is spoken about in hushed corners of the internet. It’s called “the ducks are assholes”.

      The ducks ate my fucking cucumber plants. I have one left, it’s tiny and I am trying to limp it to full grown but I’m afraid I may have to wait till August to replant because I don’t think this last one will make it

    2. Those ducks need roasting and eating! They can be served up as crispy aromatic duck with strips of cucumber!

    3. We received a letter from the city. I am not to feed the ducks. I stopped feeding the ducks. The ducks will not go away.

      I can't kill the ducks either, that's in the letter too. They say just stop feeding them and they will go away. I stopped feeding them and they didn't go away, they started eating my garden up.

      So, ya, I dunno what they want me to do

    4. I guess you need to stop growing what the ducks eat in your garden but that's a bit counterproductive.

    5. Ducks eat bugs and leaves, I can assure you I can’t stop growing either. 😂

  3. It would be great if Zelensky could kill and dress the ducks for ya 😂

    1. Zelensky would only kill Russian ducks!

    2. Maybe I can convince him all Muscovies are Russian! 😂😂

    3. Especially if they quack in Russian!

    4. How is a Russian quack different from an English quack?

    5. Russian ducks tend to say quvack, quackov or quackski!


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