Wegovy Wednesday Wk 8

 In an effort to keep this series "fresh" and not always be talking about the same things every time, this week I'm going to discuss the changes in my body I've noticed since day 1. Suffice it to say, I'm still on low calorie-low fat, mostly whole food diet and continue to work out four times a week. I have lowered my work out schedule to four because my fall made me realize I was pushing myself too hard. I continue to have unhealed injuries, and need things like knee replacement, one back procedure, then another one (and we still don't know if they'll work). Pushing myself will not heal these things and could make things much worse.

Overall, I'm smaller.

My face, in particular, it's quite noticeable to me. Or, maybe I can't stop looking at myself and laughing at my scraped up nose (courtesy of my fall), and I'm overanalyzing.

My thighs are a whole lot smaller. I went to go put in my injection today, and I surprised my damn self at how much less they "spread". I have thick thighs, very thick thighs. They aren't as thick.

My hips aren't as wide. I take up less room in chairs, in general.

Whether I like it or not, I'm probably going to have to buy a smaller sized bra. My breasts still fill the cups, it's the band that's becoming an issue.

My upper waist is going down way faster than below the belly button line. I've had a lot of big and small abdominal surgeries, I can imagine my core is still a wreck.

Sadly, there continues to be no change in my back pain. I still cannot walk a regular pace for more than ten minutes without tears starting to roll down my face because I'm in so much pain. I can manage to walk fifteen minutes, if I walk like a snail and take very short steps. Look, if I move my right leg at the hip too much, it aggravates the angry and inflamed nerves in my sacroiliac joint. I doubt losing weight will have any bearing on that given I can't use a stationary bike without the same pain.

I'm willing to place bets now that it's another two digit weight loss this month. I continue to struggle to meet a thousand calories a day, most days. Some days it's about twelve hundred, but I can guarantee I'm not going over that. Yes, this is guesstimating, but my guess is based on basic calorie counting with huge margins for error. I eat small amounts of the same things all the freaking time, it's not that difficult.

I have been very mindful of what pictures I have released. Though, I think it's easy to see in my face regardless of the angle. I've been attempting not to show my progress because I genuinely enjoy people's reactions. My next weigh in/check in is May fourteenth. On May 19th, I'll take actual progress pics wearing the same clothes as I was in the before pics I took March 9th, and release them on that Wegovy Wednesday. Or, rather, Nick will take the pics and I will pose in the most unflattering of ways. :)


  1. Oh my friend.You are doing so well in amidst all the pain you are going through with your back. I hope your upcoming surgery and recovery goes smoothly..Hugs!

  2. Thank you Joy. My injuries having some relief would make this experience a whole lot smoother, for sure! Hugs

  3. I've just read a newspaper article about a clinical trial showing Wegovy to be good at reducing kidney disease.

    1. I truly believe they're going to keep finding more positive uses for peptides in general.


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