Farm Day

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening All!

We are gathered here today for a little walk through my gardens to see what nature with a little help from me has brought forth!

And away we go…

Starting in the front yard, I was worried, at first, about planting the red and white Pentas so close together. Now, I’m glad I did!

The sunflowers are still sending up blooms!

This dwarf Cavendish banana is dying, taking some of the bananas with it. I’m trying to hold out until the ridges fill in sharper, then I’ll let them ripen in the house.

The mulberries are still going strong!

Moving to the backyard. Have you ever seen a garlic chive flower? Now you have 😉

The Cuban peppers are really starting to produce!

Volunteer Everglades tomatoes are fruiting

The monstera that a friend sent is doing well, even if they’re swamped with passion fruit. 😂

We have two loofah already! (Circled in blue)

And finally, I made the ultimate sacrifice and cut down one of my passion fruit vines. I was starting to become concerned the weight would damage the cable line and we’d be financially responsible. 😉

Thank you for joining me on this tour of our gardens.

Happy Farm Day!


  1. Beautiful my friend.Especially the sunflowers

    1. Thanks Joy. I really thought they were done for the season, but they just keep going.

  2. I was wondering what the passion fruit vines were crawling over.

    The pentas are gorgeous! All you need to do is plant something blue and you're set for 4th of July 😂

    The sunflowers are pretty awesome. 🌻

    1. No one said anything, but I can see the wire bowing. 😬

      I can promise you that I could care less about fourth of July or the colors of the flag. 😂


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