Wegovy Wednesday Wk 10

Yesterday, I took my tenth shot of Wegovy for weight loss. As a reminder, I'm fortunate in that my insurance was willing to cover this medication because of my dual diagnosis of heart disease and obesity. I am also lucky that the medication worked for me from the start, at the lowest/starting dose.

My doctor and I agree as long as I'm feeling the effects, there really is no reason to raise the dose beyond the starter/lowest dose of 0.25mg. I continue to feel the same appetite suppressant effects as well as relief from "food noise". The colloquial term refers to obsessive or intrusive thoughts about food, which can affect people's everyday lives. While I still have cravings, they're for things like blackberries and tomatoes rather than snack cakes and cookies. Cravings I'm happy to indulge, rather than worry about the effect on my long term health.

With that said, this has not been "easy". I want to dispel any thoughts one may have that you're going to take an injection weekly and magically lose weight. Yes, it is an effective tool. But, also, I completely changed my diet and lifestyle, along with my workout habits. The Wegovy made those changes easier than attempts I have made in the past, but I want people who read this to realize it's not a "one size fits all" solution.

Truly, I traded one set of issues for another. Nowadays, it can be difficult for me to get enough to eat in one day. My protein needs are met, that I guarantee. I am probably over achieving in that area. (When you are eating in such a large calorie deficit, it can be easy to lose muscle along with fat. Eating a lot of protein is to combat that and help build new muscle as I do strength training. I average 100-125g protein daily. Lower end on sedentary days, higher end on workout days.) It's the other areas that I struggle with meeting some days.

I have not experienced any medication shortages. I order all my medication refills one week in advance. I have had to wait a couple of days while the pharmacy ordered more, but I have never gone without the medication once. Every area is different. I live in a highly populated city with a huge tourism industry. (In fact, Orlando was crowned the largest US travel and tourism city in 2022.)

I have also not experienced any side effects that weren't caused by me overeating or not eating enough. I realize that others may have struggled, but I have also been fortunate in this. In fact, if anything, I'm more regular today than I have been in years.

My energy level is up, inflammation in my joints went down, and I generally feel better. I attribute all of this to the diet and exercise changes. I, truly, had a horrible diet pre Wegovy. If you all only knew...

This Friday I will see my doctor. My closest friends will get a text after the doctor appointments. You all know I can't keep this to myself for long. LMFAO. Everyone else? I'll tell you on the 19th. Before and Progress picture day!

Happy Wednesday!

PS: To those following along on my back journey: The radio frequency ablation has been scheduled for July 12. :)


  1. I hope Friday's appointment with the doctor goes well.

    1. Thanks! You’ll get an email since I can’t text you. ;)

      Tomorrow’s appointment is Arguably more important. I’m having a steroid shot into my left side

    2. It'll be good to get an email update.
      Hope the steroid shot goes okay tomorrow.

    3. The steroid shot, last time, left me in a lot of pain for 24 hours. Thankfully I don’t have to work tomorrow

  2. You certainly have made a lot of changes on several fronts at once! Not sure if I could/would want to take on all those fronts at one time, unless doing the whole kit and caboodle (kittens aside) makes the lot easier to take as a group...
    Looking forward to seeing how your back does!
    ~ Curious
    Ps: The brugsmansias (4 varieties) are in full bloom. The yard smells great, bees are going crazy for the pollen.

    1. I have, but for me, it’s easier to adjust if I do it all at once.

      Fingers crossed this works!

      I bet it smells heavenly!

  3. I want an email update too please on your appointment my friend..


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