Wegovy Wednesday Wk 9

 I began taking Wegovy for weight loss nine weeks ago. At my first weigh in, I lost seventeen pounds. That was almost four weeks ago. My next weigh in is June 14th. We will see then what the scales say, but I know I'm smaller. ;)

I've continued eating a low fat, low calorie mostly whole food diet. I will repeat this at nauseum, if I have to, I don't have the will, cravings, or even thought of eating what anyone would consider unhealthy food.

I have no gall bladder, lost it back when I was in my twenties, after a horrible pregnancy where it needed to be removed but they couldn't because I was pregnant. Less than a month after having a c section, they removed my gall bladder. The gall bladder's function is to store and release bile when you need it. Bile is used to break down fat.

This all relates, I'm getting to it, stick with me. ;)

Mind you, I (and everyone else who doesn't have a gallbladder) still get bile released in kind of a steady stream into our guts to break down that fat. Bodies adjust to not having a gall bladder, but sometimes it takes time. In the beginning, your body will give you way too much bile and it will make you sick in a variety of ways.

Pre Wegovy, a fat laden meal would lead to a bathroom trip. No nausea, but definitely a lot of trips to the bathroom. Post Wegovy, I literally get sick to my stomach and then a lot of trips to the bathroom and reminds me a lot of when I first had my gall bladder removed. That's not to mention, less amounts of fats trigger that reaction. So, you can see why I have no interest in unhealthy food. I will be asking my doctor her thoughts on this.

Speaking of Wegovy tummy, upon experimenting with having a little drinky poo of the Mulberry Liqueur I made, I can tell you with certainty I won't be doing that again. Boy, did I pay for that mistake. Three sips and I watered that stuff down with sparkling water like you wouldn't believe. Mind you, it's also been about three years since I've consumed any alcohol whatsoever..so there's that. ;)

My eating habits have remained the same. Protein Shake when I wake, Smoothie for breakfast, Protein and Veg/Fruit in a variety of ways, largest portion of the plate being veggies for lunch and dinner, snacks being protein or fruit/veg. I've gotten to the point where I can eyeball three ounces of every protein, so that's my fun new party trick. LOL.

I have continued my four day a week excursion to the gym for strength training. Though, there had to be some modifications, again. Neither my back nor my right knee (which needs knee replacement) were happy. I can't just stop doing things at home so I can work out a muscle in ways that are aggravating existing injuries. I required too much recovery time, and my time has become more limited recently.

Which leads me to an announcement, I started a new job on Monday. This is why I have limited time. ;)

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Sorry to hear about your gall bladder removal and how things have affected you. Kudos once more for all you are doing and Huge congratulations to you on the new gig.You will do an amazing job..Hugs..

  2. When you're on a low calorie diet, it can be easy to lose muscle mass along with fat. I wanted to avoid that.


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