Farm Day

Here we are, a gorgeous Saturday morning in sunny Whorlando Florida, before the big fire ball in the sky becomes too intense.

We are gathered here today to a little walkie poo through my gardens. Are we ready?

Let's go....

This week, we're starting in the backyard because I have to show off the passion flower. Has it become obvious to anyone that I absolutely love the passion fruit flower? It's so cool and unique.

This particular variety of passion fruit, the blooms only open in the evening. So, I went out last night to make sure I got this picture. Some passion flowers, the blooms open all day and close at night. Still others only bloom during the night and close during the day. Fascinating, huh?


As you can see below, I took the crown off the pineapple and planted it to start a new plant. You can do this with any organic pineapple you buy at the store by the way. (Non organic ones have some kind of growth inhibitor sprayed on them).

All you have to do is cut off the crown (the green part at top) making sure to cut away as much of the fruit as you can. Set it somewhere to dry out for about three days. Then, pull off some of the bottom leaves to expose the stem further. Then, plant it and water it periodically. Pineapples can be grown as houseplants for those who don't live in a tropical or subtropical environment. You probably won't get a big pineapple, but still a cool plant!


Next up, is the watermelon curling itself around the makeshift fence to keep the ducks away.


We have a new baby loofah!


Here's the cucumber spunky, still sad with no cukes. I think the heat is just too much for it. I have no other reason for it not to be producing. It's fertilized, gets watered, not diseased, but only male flowers so far.


And, here's a candy cane zinnia. I planted a bunch, only one came up. I'm going to throw in some more seeds today in hopes I can get a few more by fall.


Moving to the front yard, you're going to see that the weight of the bananas is taking it's toll on the plant. Talk about a lean! For those who are unaware, bananas are an herb, not a tree. ðŸ˜‰


Last time I showed you the red pentas against the white pentas. This week you get to see the red pentas against the hot pink ones! ðŸ™‚


Next up is our newest addition to the garden. The Mandevilla. Mandevilla is a genus of tropical and subtropical flowering vines belonging to the family Apocynaceae. A common name is rocktrumpet. Mandevilla species are native to the Southwestern United States, Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America.


Finally, on our tour is my miniature roses that have been sun bleached along with a surprise appearance of Cher, one of our strays. ðŸ™‚


Thank you for joining me on this tour of our gardens.

Happy Saturday!


  1. I can leave a comment today. as mentioned, yesterday, I couldn't.

    1. Yeah, I don't know what happened. It was all messed up when I came to look after you emailed to tell me that. I'm just glad I was able to fix it.


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