Wegovy Wednesday Week 13

 I don't have a lot to report. Life on Wegovy has become routine, and I feel as though I'm saying the same kinds of things over and over.

That said, there is about to be a change in the household. Nick, my partner, was just prescribed Ozempic through the VA. Yes, people, even the Veteran's Administration prescribes this stuff depending on the case, obviously. Nick is a Marine (Marines never retire hooyah) veteran of the Gulf War. He's diabetic, so he was prescribed Ozempic over Wegovy. (As we discussed last week, they're the same medication.)

He and I discussed my journey more in depth. I gave him all my warnings. Drink more water than ever before, eat slow, avoid high fat, high sugar foods, etc.

To be clear, I cook for the house, and I make his lunch for work every day. He has, by my diet plan, been following a diabetic's diet. But, Nick has his own mind and this thing called purchasing power and a vehicle. Trust, he hasn't even made an attempt to stop the sugary sodas. And, don't even get me started on the fast food, snack cakes, and candy.

I'm willing to bet my entire paycheck that if I were to walk into his room now, I would find at least one bag of candy (or chocolate) and one box of snack cakes, along with two or three twelve packs of Mt. Dew. (He has a mini fridge in his room. I have one in the living room. And, we have two full sized refrigerators in the kitchen. We're weird people. LMFAO)

Let me be clear, people can eat what they want. I tend not to police anyone's food but my own. However, this man is a diabetic, killing himself slowly, and I love his stupid ass. I don't want him to die young. I have witnessed one person's slow descent at the hands of diabetes, I don't wish to see it again.

Like I told him, once he's at a therapeutic level of semaglutide, he's in for a rude awakening if he doesn't change! Fingers crossed it works for him, I want that man around for the rest of my life.

From my end of things, nothing has changed. I'm still eating a low fat, low calorie mostly whole food diet. And, I go to the gym four days a week for forty five minutes doing strength training.

That said, next Friday, things are going to change for a while. I am going to have to take a break from the gym.

Because, this is on my horizon:

Hospital and Doctor names covered for privacy.

Sacral lateral branch radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a minimally invasive procedure that uses radiofrequency waves to treat chronic sacroiliac joint(SIJ) pain, also known as sacroiliitis. The procedure targets the lateral branches of the sacral dorsal rami, which are a small group of nerves that send pain signals from the SIJ to the brain. RFA damages these nerves with heat, which reduces the pain signals that reach the brain.

I'm going to need some recovery time, but will return to working out once I'm cleared to do so by the doctor.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and Nick, and being cautiously optimistic that things will take yet another turn for the better for you both. 🤗🤞 Sounds like you're heading on promising paths!
    - Curious

    1. Thanks Curious, I have hope as well. Things are starting to look up for us. :)

  2. I hope Nick changes his ways. But as the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but ...!


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