Eclipse = Rapture?

 I've talked about my relationship with Nick enough that I've probably put Nick on a bit of a pedestal. It's not that he's perfect, it's more that he's the most supportive person in my life. Whatever I need, if I ask, Nick will be there trying to help me achieve it. I do the same for him, we're kind of sympatico in that way.

To be clear, Nick is one year older than me, born in Connecticut to an immigrant father and mother. The family moved to Florida when he was in his teens. Nick joined the Marines; became a Military Police Officer, Served in the Gulf War, as well as serving in the White House when Bush 2 was the president. He changed jobs, became a chaplain, and left the Marines. 

He married his wife after leaving the military, they never had children, and she passed away in his arms on February 14th.   The house we are living in was the house they bought together, but she never got to live in it because she passed before they moved. 

Nick, now, works as a plumber at OIA. Orlando International Airport. He still wants to be a chaplain, but Nick's idea of Christianity doesn't suit the majority of Christians.

There's a reason I'm giving you all this context, I'll get to it in a minute....

I was raised Catholic, went to a Lutheran High School for three years where I was forced to take Bible classes. And, today, I'm...hmmm...agnostic is as good a word as any. I fall under "I don't know". Maybe there's a god, maybe there isn't. The Bible seems like a book of parables designed to help people get through life, but to think of it as a history book? That, I'm sorry, I can't help but laugh at people who see it that way. 

I'm not proud of myself for laughing at them, I definitely don't think I'm better than them. But come on...history? Our actual history books aren't always completely factual and you want me to believe a bunch of books written thousands of years ago represent all of what "god" has to tell us?  Who got to choose which books made it into this "history" book that was admittedly spoken word stories passed down for centuries before it was written down?

You pull at the strings, and it starts to fall apart as a History Book.

Nick is a believer, no doubt. But falls somewhere between New Age and Christian. It's an interesting mix that I can't begin to understand because my tolerance for "woo" is low as well.

I may as well be from Missouri, the "show me" state. I'll believe it when I see it.

Jesus, Debbi, why did we need to know all this?

I'll tell you why....that stupid eclipse.

Do you know how many of these fundamentalists are preaching the world is going to end tomorrow during the Eclipse?

I do because Nick likes to torture me by telling me about them. 

I'm convinced he does it because he wants to hear what's going to come out of my mouth next.

Then, he saw this, and now it's his new favorite "idea".

I'm supporting his "idea" because...well...funny! 🤣😂🤣


  1. Fundamentalists of any religion or ideology are always the worst at dealing with facts and evidence.

  2. LOL - I would love to see those people helium ballooons. And yes...I have trouble with a lot of New Age stuff too....

    1. It would be incredibly funny for sure.

      Blind faith will always be a concept I struggle with..I have too many questions.

  3. I think I saw it in a movie or TV show where a bunch of sex dolls were blown up with helium instead of regular air and they all floated up into the sky, and some woman listening to some christian radio station thought rapture was happening and ran into the street 😂

    While I understand how some need organized religion to ground themselves, some of the things fundamentalists say are way out there. I really feel sorry for the people who wholeheartedly believe in such nonsense.

    1. Oh lord, I’d pay to see that. 😂

      It’s difficult for me to feel sorry for them when so much of what they say, do, and believe hurts so many people.

    2. I googled it and it was an episode in Six Feet Under, In Case of Rapture. Here's a YouTube clip I found. It was a while back, so my memory of the clip was a bit fuzzy 😂

  4. I was raised United and went to church with my Mom until I decided it was boring and was not into listening to the sermons anymore. I quit then around the age of 13. My ex and his parents were "Christian" and when my ex and I got together, started going back to church. When we split in 2006 I stopped going again and have not been in a church since. I have my beliefs but am quite like you the odd time Deb. I will believe it when I see it. I probably will not be seeing the Eclipse today, yet would love to see those blow-up dolls in the

    1. The blow up dolls in the sky would be the funniest joke yet!

  5. That's just hilarious! I'd love to see a large scale helium blow-up doll prank... though I'd hate to see the eventual outcome when they deflate, fall from the sky, and short out some power lines.

    1. Yeah that’s the part I’d dread too, the eventual coming down. :(

  6. I am spiritual, not religious. A friend said I verged into the positive wiccan area. I dislike labels so I'm just me.
    I would dance with delight to see the human balloons floating away. That would be so funny. I just don't want them coming down and causing grief with animals. :)

    1. Hey Heidi, Nice to see ya!

      Yeah, the popping and causing grief with animals and nature is the part I don't want.


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