Wegovy Wednesday Week 6

Diet and Lifestyle Changes

 I took my sixth shot of Wegovy yesterday.

As most of my close friends already know, I lost seventeen pounds in my first month on Wegovy. To be clear, I’ve been made very aware that this is not typical. But let’s be fair, rarely anything about me ever is. 😂

All the “experts” say “Go slow, don’t make too many changes at once.” I dove in headfirst and changed everything about my diet and sedentary lifestyle. It’s been work, but work made easier by taking Wegovy. It’s not like I’m taking it, eating all the same things, and expecting results.

That said, not everyone experiences the same amount of relief from appetite and cravings on the lowest dose. I literally started noticing the very first day I took the shot. I am fortunate in that it was almost instant. Remember, individual results may vary, and consult a healthcare professional before changing your diet and lifestyle, as I did.

For clarity, I ate high fat, calorie dense food before taking Wegovy. Baking has been a hobby since I was thirteen, and I was definitely eating what I was making. When I started gardening in 2021, I focused on adding healthy vegetables to my diet, but it did not stop me from eating crap. I did not workout beyond the physical therapy exercises I did for my back.

Six weeks after taking my first dose (it's a weekly shot), I eat what I would call a modified low calorie, low fat, whole food diet. I don't limit fruits and vegetables, ever. I need natural sugars to combat the fact that Wegovy lowers my blood sugar.

All my carbs come from whole food, I no longer eat rice, bread, tortillas, pasta, or anything made with flour, sugar, and/or high fructose corn syrup. My focus is on how much nutrition (with a specific mind towards fiber and protein) I can get nowadays. And, I go to the gym for weight training five days a week

Problem and Solution

I encountered and resolved one problem I started having. I’m not a morning eater. I’ve never been a morning eater. My stomach doesn’t particularly enjoy it if I eat when I wake. It's made me nauseous for as long as I can remember. I need to wait a few hours before introducing anything other than fluids.

Whelp, Wegovy stomach REALLY doesn’t like that I don’t eat for three hours after I wake. Since I was eating around 6pm, my stomach was empty and angry by 9am. I was dry heaving for a couple of days there in the morning. It was not pleasant.

Solution: Protein Shake and evening snack.

I broke down and bought prepared protein shakes so I could drink them in the morning.

I just bought the store brand, they’re reminiscent of Slim Fast. Picture by me.

With 30g of protein, it’s a solution I can live with. In the evenings around 830pm, , I vary my snacks but keep them in high-fiber categories. Popcorn, nuts, fruits or veggies.

Fiber is slower to digest, and since Wegovy also slows down digestion (that’s where the appetite suppression comes from), I’m now fine in the mornings.

Find a Good Doctor

My doctor assured me that I won’t go into “starvation mode”, and to just continue eating as my body guides me. She’s as thrilled with my results as I am.

I give her a lot of credit. She listens to me, remembers me, and I don’t feel as though I’m constantly repeating myself. If anyone is thinking of doing this, make sure you have a good doctor whom you feel you can trust. It’s made a world of difference for me and my health.

Side Effects

Some people may experience mild to serious side effects during their Wegovy treatment. Others may not have any side effects at all. Examples of Wegovy’s commonly reported side effects include:

I haven't had any beyond what I caused myself by not eating enough or too much.


If you're going to start this medication, I have a few tips:

  • Eat slow. It takes a while for the signal to get from your stomach to your brain telling you you're full and it can be easy to overeat and pay for it later.
  • Don't be afraid to save your food for later.
  • Avoid High Fat Food, your stomach will not like you
  • Avoid High Calorie Food, again, your stomach will rebel.
  • Avoid Super Spicy Food. Remember, your digestion has slowed down so that spicy food is in your stomach longer, and can give you indigestion from hell.
  • Move your body in whatever way you can.
  • Drink Lots of Water

In conclusion, check with your doctor before making major changes, this medication is not for everyone. Individual results vary based on any number of factors, my results haven't been "typical". That all said, this continues to be the best decision I've made for my health in a long time.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I am so glad Wegovy along with your lifestyle change is working for you my friend. I am like you and can not eat breakfast as soon as I wake up. I wait for at least 2 hours and only drink black dark roast coffee prior having any food. Weight training will help with the loss of bone density and help keep you fit as a fiddle..

    1. Thanks Joy, me too! It's really given me a sense of accomplishment which motivates me more.

  2. Wegovy and Ozempic are very much in the news here this week after one study found they reduce the risk of heart attack as well as useful in suppressing appetite. Both these drugs are available on the NHS.

    1. I am pretty sure that's the study I read when I finally decided to start taking it. The results of reducing the risk of another heart attack are undeniable. I would be curious how much you had to pay for them there.

    2. If prescribed, and if exempt from prescription charges, Wegovy would be free. If not exempt, about a £10 charge per prescription is levied.
      Because I'm over 60, I get free prescriptions.
      Because of devolution, prescriptions are free in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Only the English have to pay!

    3. Devolution is a scheme in which parliament delegates certain designated powers to the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish assemblies. It's as close as we get to federalism here.

    4. Ah I see. Thanks for explaining.

    5. You're welcome. England doesn't have its own assembly.

  3. Good job of problem solving with the morning nutrition. : )

    I'm curious whether the doctor you're seeing is a specialist? Or just a regular primary care doc?

    1. Thanks!

      I see a few specialists for heart, vascular, and pain who all agree with my Primary Care Physician that this is a good plan for my overall health. But, the one I gush about is my Primary Care.


      I am so glad that both you and your PCP are happy with how this is working for you.

      I have often told people who said that they were trying to lose weight that breakfast was important in starting metabolism sooner in the day. I had one guy tell me that he normally did not eat breakfast, but that after he started he saw better results than before.



    3. Thanks Bbuckwwheat!

      Hope things are good with you.

  4. It's great that Wegovy and your new diet is working well for you. It seems like finding a doctor that you like helped a lot.

    Most docs I've come across dismiss my complaints as an age thing or weight thing. They'll run tests, tho.

    1. Thanks, it sure did. I had doctors like yours for most of my adult life, dismissing my complaints as weight related. But I found Dr S, and everything changed. She's just been the best primary care I've had.


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