Wegovy Wednesday Wk 12

 I took my 12th injection of Wegovy yesterday. For those unaware of what Wegovy is, it's also known as Ozempic and is a GLP1 agonist. Originally developed for diabetes, doctors noticed weight loss and appetite suppression as a side effect. Then, off label use of Ozempic began.

Since so many were using Ozempic for off label, the supply for diabetes patients was being threatened. Therefore, the company decided to start Wegovy to protect the Ozempic supply. They are the same medication, made by the same company, just one is prescribed if you have diabetes and the other for weight loss. This way, diabetic patients would never have to go without their medication.

One thing I want to talk about this week boils down to the fact that I've noticed since losing twenty five pounds, people treat me better. Strangers. My friends are the same loveable assholes they've always been. Cashiers look me in the eye now. When I'm walking in the store, people acknowledge my existence more often and smile.

It's not like this hasn't happened to me in the past. My weight has been a rollercoaster throughout my life. In the past, though, I didn't put thought into how gross that was. To be real honest, I was just glad people were treating me better back then. But, come on, people treating a thinner person better than a bigger one. It's disgusting, you know?

And, I'm still far from what anyone would call "thin".

The fact that twenty five pounds made such a difference that I'm noticing? It's icky, and it doesn't make me feel good about people or society, in general.

The next thing is...the clothes. I have been advised by many friends, and rightly so, that I should not buy new clothes until I am done losing weight. Whelp, this has become a problem.

Due to the way I choose to buy, wear, and recycle my clothing, my choices for "peopling clothes" has suddenly become incredibly limited. To be clear about what I'm talking about, I don't give a rat's ass about what I'm wearing around my house on a day to day basis. It's what I wear out in public that's an issue.

In my "peopling" wardrobe, there's two different sizes. I'm, currently, in the middle. The smaller clothes are still too tight, and the larger clothes? I'm drowning in them. A dress I bought last year that has an elastic waist, that elastic waist doesn't even stretch, it just kind of dangles around my waist barely touching my skin. Not to mention, you can see my side boob through the armhole if I don't wear a bra. (Which used to be a frequent occurrence with the dress.)

Just like I had to buy a new bra, I'm going to have to buy at least one new "peopling" dress to get me through till I'm in my lower size clothes that are hanging in my closet untouched. Thrift stores, here I come!

I continue to eat a mostly whole food, low calorie, low fat diet. I did start seeing a nutritionist (because I asked to), and she is good with my intuitive eating but does want me to try to bump up my whole grains a bit. I've stuck to that promise for the most part. Some days are more difficult than others because I'm just not hungry enough.

I continue going to the gym for strength training four days a week for forty five minutes. No changes on that front.

And, I continue to have no side effects other than ones I caused myself by not eating enough, too much, or the wrong thing.

I hope you all are having a wonderful week!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. It's great that you're continuing to have no significant side effects. Long may it continue.


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