Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Settings

 Most of the Settings are self-explanatory. There are a couple things I do want to point out.

At the top part of "Settings" is where you can change the title and description of your blog if you like. Just click on what you want to change. 

The next thing I want to point out is deciding whether or not you're going to show a warning if it's adult content. Mine is off, you do you. :D

Finally, you will notice I scratched off my "Google Analytics Measurement ID. I am a nerd who likes that shit, I suspect most of you won't care. 

Further down is another thing I want to point out, "Meta tags" I've allowed the search, as I want people to find me. You can see the terms I used. You do you. :)

At the bottom of settings is where you can edit your profile if you like. Just click the link.

Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Add Followers Gadget

Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Reading List

Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - Add other AFFers Blogs to your Profile

Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - How to Title Your Blog Posts

Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial - How to put Pictures and Videos in Your Blog

Blogger/Blogspot Tutorial – How to Edit Your Blog Posts and Labels


  1. Thank you for these tutorials! I have an empty blog now. More tomorrow.

    1. You're welcome. Yay! We were hoping you'd join in on the fun.

    2. Welcome smarty. This is a high-end blogging platform. The site doesn't allow just any riff-raff in!

  2. Thanks again for the tutorial.
    I didn't even know what meta tags were until your tutorial.

    1. You can tag your posts, as well, it's on the right side.

    2. What does tagging a blog post mean? Sorry for being dumb!

    3. Tagging it makes it easier to find in searches, if you want others to find you. Read the "Labels" section of "How to Edit".


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