
You're Either Gonna Love It or Hate It

 But sometimes a woman just wants mermaid hair. 😂😝😊 Seems most love it, since I've gotten compliments everywhere I go. 😏

Today’s the Day

As many of you know,  I have a particular fondness for "shocking" people by changing my hair color. My hair has been white for far too long, and it's time for a change. Tomorrow, I'm scheduled to see my Primary Care Physician, and I realized she went through a whole pregnancy and had a kid with me having white hair. That's not right. 🤣😂 Not to mention, the pain doctor has never seen me with anything other than white hair, and that appointment is on the 19th. So, it's time. The color, though, is still up for grabs I have all these to choose from! 😂🤣 Anyone hoping for rainbow hair, don't get your hopes up, that's a lot of work! What color(s) do you think it will be?

Chaos Demon

 Pudge has a fascination with my nose

Friday Farm Day

Alright Alright Alright, it's that time of the week again. Time to have a gander at what the garden is up to. And Away We Go... Starting in the front yard, guess who has bananas? Oh yes, one of my banana plants in the front has flowered and is starting to bear fruit! The Star Jasmine is Flowering and smelling glorious! Here's another volunteer sunflower popping up The rose is still blooming Moving to the backyard, have you ever seen an onion bloom? Speaking of blooming, I allowed this brassica that I'm still not sure what it is to go to seed as well. Since so many people spray for "weeds", this leaves the bird population often starving. When I can, I like to allow things to go to seed to feed the wild bird population. It's the least I can do considering all these murder mittens (cats) I have running around. Next, you'll see the carrots are doing well. I've thinned them once. I will probably have to do so again. The sunflowers I planted in the back to b

Friday Farm Day Belated

  Hi all, we had a rainy Friday and Saturday here in Floriduh, so I’m slow getting this week’s post out. Upon leaving AFF, I’ve made the decision to stop numbering these. We all know we’re here to see the garden, it makes no difference how long this tradition has been going on. Without further ado… Starting in the front yard, the mulberry is loaded and I mean loaded with berries Next up, sadly the first volunteer sunflowers of the year are not doing well. I think the ducks had a go at them, and they look diseased. But, have no fear new volunteer sunflowers are already popping up to take their place. Like this one And these The pentas are looking lovely as ever Just look how gorgeous the white and red ones look against one another Moving to the backyard, the Blackberries are coming in As well as blooming The beefsteak tomato plant has set its first fruit of the season The baby pineapple survived its first transplant And my potatoes are showing themselves, like the one in this bin And, t

Friday Farm Day Postponed Due to Rain

 Well, folks, it's raining here, and according to the forecast, it will be all day. So, Friday Farm Day will have to wait.  There's a sixty percent chance of rain tomorrow, so it's possible it will be have to be pushed until Sunday. Can't fight Mother Nature

Good News!

 It is time for a little good news. This afternoon, I received an email I had been hoping for. A foundation has agreed to help the feral cat colony I've been caring for receive medical attention. While I have been happily forking over hundreds of dollars a month in cat food and supplies. Their medical needs? Le sigh. Needless to say,  I am thrilled. Happy Tuesday All!