
Farm Day

Here we are, a gorgeous Saturday morning in sunny Whorlando Florida, before the big fire ball in the sky becomes too intense. We are gathered here today to a little walkie poo through my gardens. Are we ready? Let's go.... This week, we're starting in the backyard because I have to show off the passion flower. Has it become obvious to anyone that I absolutely love the passion fruit flower? It's so cool and unique. This particular variety of passion fruit, the blooms only open in the evening. So, I went out last night to make sure I got this picture. Some passion flowers, the blooms open all day and close at night. Still others only bloom during the night and close during the day. Fascinating, huh? As you can see below, I took the crown off the pineapple and planted it to start a new plant. You can do this with any organic pineapple you buy at the store by the way. (Non organic ones have some kind of growth inhibitor sprayed on them). All you have to do is cut off the crown

Wegovy Wednesday Wk 14

This week, we're in for a bit of a change in content. As most of you know, I'm having a procedure on my back this Friday. This procedure does require me to be under anesthesia. Last week, I got a call from the hospital, for my "Pre Admission Screening". It seems I cannot take Wegovy the week before the surgery since Wegovy slows down digestion so much. They're afraid I'll still have food in my stomach which could cause issues with anesthesia, and have asked me to withhold my dose until Friday. I usually take it Tuesday. I don't have a lot to report, yet. I haven't noticed a difference in my appetites or cravings. Truth be told, Wegovy is the type of thing that you can always take it at any time that day. It doesn't need to be taken at the same time every week. Technically, it hasn't even been a day without it. I feel like this will be a fascinating experiment for me, to see what changes I experience in the coming days, if any. I will write abou

Wegovy Wednesday Week 13

 I don't have a lot to report. Life on Wegovy has become routine, and I feel as though I'm saying the same kinds of things over and over. That said, there is about to be a change in the household. Nick, my partner, was just prescribed Ozempic through the VA. Yes, people, even the Veteran's Administration prescribes this stuff depending on the case, obviously. Nick is a Marine (Marines never retire hooyah) veteran of the Gulf War. He's diabetic, so he was prescribed Ozempic over Wegovy. (As we discussed last week, they're the same medication.) He and I discussed my journey more in depth. I gave him all my warnings. Drink more water than ever before, eat slow, avoid high fat, high sugar foods, etc. To be clear, I cook for the house, and I make his lunch for work every day. He has, by my diet plan, been following a diabetic's diet. But, Nick has his own mind and this thing called purchasing power and a vehicle. Trust, he hasn't even made an attempt

Farm Day

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening All! We are gathered here today for a little walk through my gardens to see what nature with a little help from me has brought forth! And away we go… Starting in the front yard, I was worried, at first, about planting the red and white Pentas so close together. Now, I’m glad I did! The sunflowers are still sending up blooms! This dwarf Cavendish banana is dying, taking some of the bananas with it. I’m trying to hold out until the ridges fill in sharper, then I’ll let them ripen in the house. The mulberries are still going strong! Moving to the backyard. Have you ever seen a garlic chive flower? Now you have 😉 The Cuban peppers are really starting to produce! Volunteer Everglades tomatoes are fruiting The monstera that a friend sent is doing well, even if they’re swamped with passion fruit. 😂 We have two loofah already! (Circled in blue) And finally, I made the ultimate

Wegovy Wednesday Wk 12

 I took my 12th injection of Wegovy yesterday. For those unaware of what Wegovy is, it's also known as Ozempic and is a GLP1 agonist. Originally developed for diabetes, doctors noticed weight loss and appetite suppression as a side effect. Then, off label use of Ozempic began. Since so many were using Ozempic for off label, the supply for diabetes patients was being threatened. Therefore, the company decided to start Wegovy to protect the Ozempic supply. They are the same medication, made by the same company, just one is prescribed if you have diabetes and the other for weight loss. This way, diabetic patients would never have to go without their medication. One thing I want to talk about this week boils down to the fact that I've noticed since losing twenty five pounds, people treat me better. Strangers. My friends are the same loveable assholes they've always been. Cashiers look me in the eye now. When I'm walking in the store, people acknowledge my existence

Farm Day Delayed

 usual, I garden in Zone 9B, Central Florida on about a tenth of an acre. (The lot is .51 acres). I garden organically, year round. The Plumbago is in full bloom! Sunflower is blooming again as well. Mulberries are putting on more flowers everyday. Carrots are getting close. Cucumber is getting big with no female cukes yet. It's the female flower that holds the cucumber. The male just contributes the pollen. ;) We ate the pineapple and I planted the crown! I forgot to take a pic of it, sorry all! There are a few Purple Cherokee Tomatoes, it's difficult to get them all in one pic. Ají dulce pepper (Caribbean sweet pepper) I haven't tried these yet, but I suspect I'll love them. Widdle baby key lime. There's more, this is just the newest addition! The passion fruit is truly out of control. I hope you enjoyed this little tour of my garden Happy Farm Day!

# Wegovy Wednesday Wk 11 Progress Edition

All right all right all right Yesterday, I took my 11th injection of Wegovy.   On June 14th, I saw my doctor for my second weigh in. In ten weeks of taking Wegovy, I lost a total of 25 lbs. She and I are pleased.  As promised, here are my before pics Yes I know there’s a stain on the shirt. Let’s all move on. 😂 Now, before we get to progress pics, I decided to take pics of everything I ate Monday, so you can have an idea of my diet.  I typically wake around 6am when the cats decide they want to be fed and can’t wait a second longer. One of them will climb on me and “make biscuits”. Never fails.  I do strength training four days a week for forty five minutes: Before I go to the gym, I have a protein shake. I still drink this if it’s not gym day, btw. ;) Around 9a, I have a smoothie made of nonfat Greek yogurt, kale, spinach, peas, flax seed, chia seed, hemp seed, papaya, passion fruit, blueberries and mulberries Lunch is around 1130a and was a salad made with chicken, lettuce, kale, ca