
Wegovy Wednesday Wk 10

Yesterday, I took my tenth shot of Wegovy for weight loss. As a reminder, I'm fortunate in that my insurance was willing to cover this medication because of my dual diagnosis of heart disease and obesity. I am also lucky that the medication worked for me from the start, at the lowest/starting dose. My doctor and I agree as long as I'm feeling the effects, there really is no reason to raise the dose beyond the starter/lowest dose of 0.25mg. I continue to feel the same appetite suppressant effects as well as relief from "food noise". The colloquial term refers to obsessive or intrusive thoughts about food, which can affect people's everyday lives. While I still have cravings, they're for things like blackberries and tomatoes rather than snack cakes and cookies. Cravings I'm happy to indulge, rather than worry about the effect on my long term health. With that said, this has not been "easy". I want to dispel any thoughts one may have that y

Friday Farm Day

 Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening All! We are gathered here today for a little walk through my gardens to see what nature with a little help from me has brought forth! Let’s do this! Starting in the front yard, the sunflowers continue to die off but we still have blooms. The Crinum lilies are blooming again. The pentas don’t wish to be undone Moving to the backyard. I got the loofah against something it could climb. The dragon fruit is making its way up the fence. And, it’s raining passion fruit. At this point when I see kids walking along the canal, I run outside and tell them everything they can grab is theirs. It’s just gonna get worse. I planted too much passion fruit but I can’t bear to kill off any plants. I have one Cherokee purple Tomato coming in Look @bowandarrowman, it’s a cucumber plant. Are you happy now? πŸ˜‚ Watermelon is starting to flower And finally, there’s an okra I forgot I planted

Wegovy Wednesday Wk 9

 I began taking Wegovy for weight loss nine weeks ago. At my first weigh in, I lost seventeen pounds. That was almost four weeks ago. My next weigh in is June 14th. We will see then what the scales say, but I know I'm smaller. ;) I've continued eating a low fat, low calorie mostly whole food diet. I will repeat this at nauseum, if I have to, I don't have the will, cravings, or even thought of eating what anyone would consider unhealthy food. I have no gall bladder, lost it back when I was in my twenties, after a horrible pregnancy where it needed to be removed but they couldn't because I was pregnant. Less than a month after having a c section, they removed my gall bladder. The gall bladder's function is to store and release bile when you need it. Bile is used to break down fat. This all relates, I'm getting to it, stick with me. ;) Mind you, I (and everyone else who doesn't have a gallbladder) still get bile released in kind of a steady st

Friday Farm Day

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening All! I know we missed last week because I’m a klutz and it was raining, but here we are!  Let’s do this! Starting in the front yard, the sunflowers are starting to die off, but there are some blooms left.  The mulberries had slowed so I thought they were done for the season. I was wrong, they’re blooming again!  Now, for the bananas. I’m posting pics of only two out of the three due. Something happened to kill off a huge portion of one bunch. I suspect cats climbing.  Moving to the backyard, one more sunflower for your viewing pleasure.  All these will be blackberries soon.  The carrots are filling in nicely  The Tuscan Kale is getting huge!  The pepper is giving them to me And finally, the luffa is about ready to be trellised.  Thank you for joining me on this tour of our gardens! Happy Friday Farm Day!

Wegovy Wednesday Wk 8

 In an effort to keep this series "fresh" and not always be talking about the same things every time, this week I'm going to discuss the changes in my body I've noticed since day 1. Suffice it to say, I'm still on low calorie-low fat, mostly whole food diet and continue to work out four times a week. I have lowered my work out schedule to four because my fall made me realize I was pushing myself too hard. I continue to have unhealed injuries, and need things like knee replacement, one back procedure, then another one (and we still don't know if they'll work). Pushing myself will not heal these things and could make things much worse. Overall, I'm smaller. My face, in particular, it's quite noticeable to me. Or, maybe I can't stop looking at myself and laughing at my scraped up nose (courtesy of my fall), and I'm overanalyzing. My thighs are a whole lot smaller. I went to go put in my injection today, and I surprised my damn sel

No, I Can’t Be Rudolph!

I’m not putting this up on Aff This is just for you all I can’t be Rudolph or a Clown, look at it now πŸ˜‚ It’s more maroon than red! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Wegovy Wednesday Week 7

This is for my Blogger Readers: This experience I've gone through these last few months, I do mean ALL of it, has changed my life and perspective. I encountered a crossroads and forged a whole new path forward, and you supported me along the way. So to all of you who supported me with your kindness, words of encouragement, and grace these last few months:  Thank you.  Truly.  Joy, JN, Smarty, Odds, Bbuckwwheat, Bow, Bloom, Goddess, and Curious. You are incredible people and deserve more than just my gratitude. Now, onto our regularly scheduled programming: I don't know why I keep needing to do a spiel at the beginning of these anymore. They're super repetitive, don't you think? TLDR: Been on Wegovy for seven weeks due to health issues. If you want to know more, I suggest you read the previous entries. :) All you have to do is click on the Wegovy link at the bottom of this post.  For those who are thinking, what happens when you go off this medication? I say to you, I wa